Zest-T Bergamot Citrus Cream Maté blend (NEW BLEND)
Regular price $13.50Get ready to cozy up with Maté, your new bestie, jazzed up with tangy zest of citrus & the crisp sweetness of green apple chunks that'll have you bouncing off the walls with zest & zeal!
We think its kind of Earl Grey-ish in taste.
Yerba maté, a remarkable beverage, offers a plethora of benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, boasting a wide range of 24 essential vitamins and minerals, as well as 15 amino acids.
One of the distinguishing features of Yerba Maté is its non-acidic nature, setting it apart from coffee. Many people find it to be a gentler alternative to traditional tea due to its lower tannin content. As a result, it is often perceived as less bitter and more pleasurable to drink.
The caffeine content of Yerba maté can vary based on factors such as brewing time and the quality of the product. This provides flexibility for individuals seeking different levels of stimulation from their beverage.
*NOTE: Contains Caffeine and may act as a stimulant.
How to Brew
Do not use boiling water, cool to 80 degrees using cold water.
Add 1 level teaspoon or 1 tea bag to a cup or mug, or a heaped teaspoon or 2 tea bags to a teapot or gourd.
Infusion time: 3 - 5 min. A short infusion brings about a stimulating effect. Drink like a conventional tea, or if using a Maté gourd, use a Bombilla Straw and keep topping up with water.
Pure Yerba Maté - Brazillian (Ilex paraguariensis), soured apple pieces, bergamot, freeze dried lemon pieces.
Disclaimer: The above information relating to this tea is only a guide & is not intended to be a cure. Please seek medical advice from your practitioner before consuming or mixing with other medication you may be prescribed or if pregnant or breast-feeding.